
Old Computer Challenge Report
2024-07-13: Short article about my experience in this year old computer challenge
Teaching an old camera new tricks
2024-05-05: This post describes how-to achieve auto bracketing with a camera lacking that support.
Use Vdirsyncer with Netrc
2024-01-07: This article describes how-to use vdirsyncer with netrc authentication
Using Wallabag as Newsboat Bookmarking Backend
2023-11-27: This article describes how you can use the read it later service wallabag with newsboat rss feed reader.
Software Architecture Reading List
2023-09-27: A collection of books and articles to get you started with software architecture.
Gemini for my blog
2023-08-26: Thoughts about the why of using gemtext as my choice for writing future content on my blog.
My Simple Note Taking System
2023-06-05: This article explains my current note taking setup within emacs.
My static site generator behind the scenes
2023-02-12: This article describes some thoughts and design decisions I made during the change from a central posts database file to a file-based approach where metainformation resides next to its content. (work in progress)
The last word in static site generator for me
2022-10-19: This article describes the how and why I think that my current solution for generating my website will fulfill all my needs
Using ad-hoc views for emacs org agenda
2022-07-21: This article summarizes my approach to start major modes in emacs as dedicated application.
How to backup your vinyl records on OpenBSD
2022-04-17: This article describes how to use OpenBSD tools to backup a vinyl record
External USB Speakerphone on OpenBSD
2021-12-15: This article describes some tests I did with a speakerphone under OpenBSD. I got it working with some restrictions.
Convert Directory of EPUB Files to OPDS
2021-08-02: This article describes a script for generating a OPML catalogue out of a directory with ebooks
Provision jupyter Lab
2020-09-20: Walkthrough on how to setup a jupyter instance for lectures
Setup Git on FreeBSD
2020-04-28: This article describes how to setup a git server on freebsd without authentification for private use
Golang Application on Kindle
2020-04-15: Short hands-on to get an golang application running on kindle
Setup Calibre on FreeBSD
2020-04-13: This article describes the installation of a calibre-based ebook server via ansible on a RaspberryPi running FreeBSD
The Blog manifest
2019-12-12: Why another blog?
Emacs: Nice Speedbar icons
2015-07-14: This post shortly describes how to use overlays to beautify speedbar icons and give them a modern look and feel.
Pythonskript: svg2tikz
2015-06-20: [kurz notiert]: Das Programm svg2tikz welches aus svg Dateien tikz diagramme erstellt.
Tools: oterm - ein Terminal im Webbrowser
2015-03-06: [kurz notiert]: Das Tool oterm
Emacs Org Mode and Reproducable Research
2015-03-06: [kurz notiert] Wie man mit org-mode ein referenz management aufstellen kann.
Buch: Einen eigenen Rechner bauen
2015-03-06: [kurz notiert]: Ein Buch ueber Nand2Tetris.
Fiasco.OS und CubieBoard 2
2015-02-21: Dieser Artikel ist eine Anleitung zur Installation von Fiasco.OC auf einem Cubieboard.
3D Zahnputzbecher
2015-01-31: Dieser Artikel beschreibt meine ersten Gehversuche im Bereich 3D Druck am Beispiel eines Zahnputzbechers.
UART Schnittstelle beim BananaPi
2014-12-17: Journaleintrag wie die UART Schnittstelle beim BananaPi funktioniert.
Pythonskript: bib2mmap
2014-12-10: Dieser Beitrag beschreibt ein kleines Skript zur Umwandlung von Bibtex Dateien in MindMaps.
NEMO Terminal ausblenden
2014-12-06: Dieser Artikel beschreibt wie man im Nemo Dateimanager ein Terminal per Voreinstellung ausblendet.
Emacs: calculator
2014-10-28: [Kurz notiert]: emacs calc.